Playable Creatures
Asphodel is an Ancient Greek themed fantasy game that takes inspiration from all of Ancient Greek history and their neighbouring nations, but with a fantasy twist. It is explicitly not a reenactment and has many fantasy elements inspired by myth and legend.
The purpose of this document is to provide more information and inspiration for designing and making your own creature costume elements. Please refer to the Costume Guide for assistance with clothing. There will be many people who can offer advice and assistance should you need it, and we are looking at offering some basic creature costume pieces to purchase at the event for those unable to gather their own in time.
We are aiming for a high standard of physreps when it comes to non-human characters to help keep the game feeling somewhat realistic. Oversized and cartoony animal masks, obvious morph suits, and plastic halloween masks are not suitable for this game.
Due to the low-rules nature of the game, no creature has any innate magical ability; this is explained in-game as being lost when they died.
The setting is gender neutral and no creature type is restricted by gender.
Humans who have died or otherwise become trapped in the Underworld are known as Shades, to differentiate from those still living in the mortal realm. They make up the majority of the population of the Underworld, appearing as they did during what they considered the prime of their life.
A human who has died and retained their sense of self.
No additional physrep is required; any non-human features must be avoided so they aren’t confused with other creatures.

Denizens of the Underworld, these creatures were born here and have never experienced life on the surface. They are comparable to Nymphs, but function as guiding spirits instead of personifications of nature. Daimons are commonly themed around an abstract concept but this is not a requirement.
Any being born in the Underworld (with the exception of gods) is classified as a Daimon.
There is a history of Humans being transformed into Daimons when they die in order to serve mortals as guardian spirits. Only some Daimons are formed this way; the rest are born or created by Chthonic gods in the Underworld.
Design Tips
When designing a Daimon, think of how they will affect mortals they interact with. This can be for better or worse; although many Daimons are considered guardian spirits, there are many with malicious intentions. Each Daimon should have a theme or job that is their reason for being, or an aspect of human life that fascinates them.
The goal is to look skeletal, undead, or demonic. Other optional features include;
- Decaying or broken skin patches
- Deathly pale or greyed skin
- Red cracks or lightning patterns across skin
- Brow prosthetics
- Horns
- Fangs or pointed teeth
- Visible bones or spikes
Full face masks with non-moving jaws or non-human skulls shouldn’t be used for the character’s face.
Scale patterns on armour and clothes are popular amongst these beings. Small sections of metal (or animal) scale maille, scaled leathers, and decorative spikes and bones adorn the outfits of the older or more reputable Daimons.
Features to Avoid
It can be easy for horned Daimons to look like Monsters. Care must be taken to include more obvious makeup or other optional costume elements to make it clearer the character originates from the Underworld.
While wings are a common demonic/Keres feature, they are not currently permitted for player characters.

Monsters are animalistic creatures said to have originated through the gods cursing mortals to be part animal, or animals to be larger adversaries to counter hero’s hubris. Some have started integrating into human society, but most live in their own communities away from the cities. Minotaurs, Hydra, Harpies, Giants, and more; all exist within this setting, but only the five most common monsters are available as standard for players to play. These are Gorgon, Minotaurs, Satyr, Cyclopes, and Harpies.
Anyone wishing to play a traditionally large or non-humanoid monster should instead design a more humanoid version, to represent a monster who has been granted a humanoid form to allow them into the Underworld alongside humans. You must check with the game team before committing to play a monster outside of the five mentioned above.
Monster characters can be directly created by a god, either by transforming a human or an animal. They can also have been born a monster from human or monster parents.
Design Tips
When designing a Monster, consider their origin and how much interaction they’ve had with humans. Has it been positive or negative? Do they see their monstrous form as a blessing or a curse? If applicable, what is their view on the god who changed them, if they even know who it was.
And very importantly; did they die of natural causes, or were they the target of a hero’s hunt?
Monsters tend to live far from the cities and don’t have as much access to long bolts of fabric; scrappy, reused, or leather-based clothing is more common for those who don’t trade with or raid the human’s towns.
Features to Avoid
Players cannot use monstrously large padded costumes for their monster characters; this includes Centaurs and anything with multiple heads.
Masks cannot be a cartoony style; oversized fursuit/mascot heads are not suitable, as are halloween store latex masks.
Types of Monsters
Main feature: Snake Scales
Gorgon must have some snake scales on their face, at the edge or around their brow. Greens and yellows that blend into skin are recommended, but any colour can work.
It is not recommended to try and cover all your skin in scales; tactical patches will be much easier to maintain.
Optional Features
- Snake or spiral eyes
- Sharp teeth, fangs, or tusks
- Snakes in hair (or entirely replacing hair)
- Claws
- Snake flat nose
- Scale prosthetics
Main feature: Single Eye
Cyclopes have only one eye, either centrally on the face as a mask over or above your eyes, or with an eyepatch covering one of your eyes. If using the latter option, you must also have a horn, which can be on the eyepatch or forehead.
Optional Features
- A single horn, or odd number of horns
- Tusks
- Mask
Main feature: Animal Head
Minotaurs have the head of an animal, usually a bull (but in this setting, similar animals such as boars and goats are also suitable). This must be represented by a realistic animal head mask, large prosthetics, or a mantle.
Animal head mantles showing the player’s face are appropriate substitutes if a mask will be too uncomfortable to wear for long periods. Some thematic makeup should be worn (main fur colour around eyes or fur pattern markings on the face).
Optional Features
- Animal fur extending down torso
- Animal arms or hands
- Animal legs or feet
- Extra horns or tusks
- Tail
Main feature: Feathers and Claws
Harpies have a mantle of feathers on their head, and sharpened nails or claws. Realistic feathers should be used; avoid bright primary colour dyed feathers.
Optional Features
- Full arm wings
- Beak
- Bird legs
- Feathers across arms and torso
- Bird tail
Main feature: Legs
Satyr must have deer-like legs, with at least the hooves showing. These legs should be easy to move in with comfortable hooved shoes. Legs should be entirely furred with padding, or have furred thighs and fleece/stretch fabric calves.
Hooves must not be a platform high-heel style as this is dangerous for woodland terrain and combat. While non-platform high heels are permitted, flat soled shoes are recommended.
At Least One Facial Feature
- Elongated/goat-like ears
- Horns
- Deer/goat nose (makeup or prosthetic)
- Makeup mimicking deer/goat fur patterns.
Optional features
- Horse/Deer/Goat tail
- Mane of hair

These nature spirits are often classified as minor deities, but since dying they have lost connection to their aspect and with it, any powers they may have had. They are linked to physical aspects of nature and could have been directly killed, or died when their linked item in nature was destroyed (such as their tree being cut down).
This category includes all nature spirits, such as Dryads, Naiads, and Oreads.
Nymphs are created by the gods, or born alongside new natural features such as specific plants, mountains, fields, or waterways.
Design Tips
When designing a Nymph, consider what part of nature they’re linked to or used to have some power over. Does it still exist, or were they killed by a hero or monster? Did they abandon their aspect of nature? And in death, are they wanting to be rejoined with their natural element, or do they want to find something new to hold dear?
Nymphs’ clothes will either look as if made from their natural element, or be expensive human garments with adornments suitable for a god, depending on their level of regular contact with humans.
Features to Avoid
Nymphs are based on nature, not animals, and while there may be some overlap for clarity (like the optional gills for naiads), focus should be put on the natural element the nymph is themed on. Avoid animal-looking horns, antlers, and furs, unless they look as if they are made from stone, plants, or moss.
Types of Nymph
A person with a reflection of nature on their skin or hair. They must have pointed elf ears to help differentiate them from other beings (this can be metal ear cuffs).
Nymphs inspired by natural elements not mentioned below must be discussed with the game team and accepted on a case by case basis.
Dryad Physrep Ideas
- Leaves in hair
- Leaves and vines coming out of skin
- Green skin around hairline
- Bark patches
- Flowers
Naiad Physrep Ideas
- Permanently wet hair or skin
- Blue skin around hairline
- Gills
- Barnacles
- Mermaid style ears
Oread Physrep Ideas
- Stony skin patches
- Grey skin around hairline
- Stone ridges and spikes
- Embedded gemstones

Colossi are automatons created by master artisans, predominantly Hephaestus and Daedalus. Some appear in the Underworld after being destroyed, while others were created there.
Though some may think these automatons have no soul, they have had life breathed into them by the gods and are as sentient as anyone else.
All Colossi are intentionally created, either by hand from a master artisan, or a statue brought to life by a god.
Design Tips
Consider why this character is in the afterlife; were they destroyed so much as they were unable to be repaired, and their spirit left their body? Did they intentionally travel to the Underworld and are now stuck there? Or were they created in Asphodel to assist the gods and daimons.
A clearly manufactured creature, originally made of wood, metal, marble, polished stone, or glazed ceramic. Joints should be outlined to represent rigid plates, similar to doll joints. They should look more like statues come to life than modern robots.
Other physrep options include;
- Ornate mask
- Greek theatre style mask
- Engraved “skin”
- Cracks in ceramic
- Painted skin
- Wood grain
- Obvious rigid plates instead of skin
Colossi will have typical fabric Ancient Greek garments, or the garments will be made from the same material as their body (such as metal or marble). They are commonly armoured or covered in decorative patterns.
Features to Avoid
Avoid designs that require you to paint full limbs with facepaint as this is difficult to maintain; instead use items of clothing, armour, and smaller makeup details such as joint lines to cover or represent the inhuman skin.
Morph suits are not suitable without extensive alterations (such as hiding particularly jarring seam lines).
Plastic halloween masks and similar plain shop-bought full masks are not appropriate without extensive painting or alteration.